Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well another year has passed, 2011 was a year full of blessings for my family. On March 18, 2011, my boyfriend, Michael Repking of four years proposed to me over a romantic dinner that he made for us (I will say that this type of thing is not uncommon, yes I know I'm a lucky girl!). He mentioned after we ate that we forgot to say a prayer before dinner. He handed me the bible and asked me to open it to the marked page and to read the passage he underlined. The passage was a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh  -Genesis 2:24.

The day after the proposal! Celebrating in Oxford, MS

We began planning our wedding and set the date for October 29, 2011. It was a short 7 months engagement, but that is exactly how I wanted it to be. In August, I graduated with my Masters in Early Intervention Deaf Education. It was a very difficult graduate program but I was incredibly lucky and blessed to meet three precious ladies (Susanna, Kaylea and Ruth) who were also in the graduate program. These three girls have forever changed my life in so many ways. I am so thankful for these girls' loyal friendships. Here we are one night enjoying the fellowship of friends on a cold winter night by the fire! My favorite memories of these girls are nights like these where we would watch movies and talk and giggle till we were in tears.

I will continue this post later and get into the details of the wedding and the most perfect day of our lives! I love reliving October 29, 2011 through pictures and I hope you will enjoy it too!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

First Blog Post!

So it is January 5, 2011 I mean 2012, it is so hard to get used to the new year! This is my very first blog post ever and let me remind you before you make fun of my blog design and amateur mistakes, that I really don't know what I am doing. I am basically writing this post to see what my posts will look like on my layout. I am excited to start a blog for our family and I am excited to tell everyone about the events that will occur over the next year! So here it goes, her is the very first post of the Repking family blog "Crocodile Tears and Goodnight Prayers"! I will explain the title in a later post.
