Thursday, November 29, 2012

25 Weeks

I'm a little late on posting an update and on posting. I'm currently 26 weeks but I guess I'll switch to odd weeks now.

How far along: 25 weeks (in this picture)

Baby's size: 13.5 inches long and 1.46 lbs. He is definitely growing and I feel like my belly is getting bigger and bigger every day.

Sleep: Getting great sleep!

Weight: 12 lbs. Thanks to all the delicious food I ate over the break...

Maternity Clothes: Some maternity some regular clothes. I am so thankful for leggings and long sweaters!

Food cravings: I'm kind of tired of eating, but aren't we all after Thanksgiving?

Food aversions: None

Symptoms I have: Growing pains :)

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is a week from last Wednesday. I have lots of questions for the Dr. about random things. This is the appointment I have to do my gestational diabetes test. Not looking forward to drinking the juice.

Movement: He is getting so strong! We can actually see him moving from the outside! My favorite times of day are right before bed time lying in bed feeling him move and early in the morning when Michael is able to feel him :)

Belly Button: Innie, but it is starting to look very strange.

Gender: BOY!

Best Moment: When Sarah felt him move (Nov. 9th) and then my mom felt him move on (Nov. 11).

Thanksgiving 2012

This Thanksgiving was a busy one filled with tons of family, amazing food and great memories! I was incredibly lucky to be able to take an extended trip to TX so that I could attend my Nana's 80th birthday party and then stay in Kingwood until after Thanksgiving. It was hard to be away from my husband and dog child for so long!
I flew in to Houston and my mom picked me up from the airport. We made our way to Hico, TX to celebrate Nana's 80th birthday and her sister's birthday. We celebrated with my great aunt's family (thank you Noel for hosting us!). It was so wonderful to see family that I haven't seen in a long time and to meet some of the newer and younger cousins that I had not met yet.
Eva is 94!
Nana is 80!
Faith in her birthday hat that aunt Sissy made!
After a weekend in Hico, Mom and I made our way back to Kingwood and we stopped by Woody's to pick up some apricot preserves, apple butter, and some amazing jerky (for Michael). The week before Thanksgiving, mom and I went to 5 zumba classes and I loved it! The zumba classes and lifting weights really helped me keep active over the break. I was also able to go on several long walks with Megan. It was so good to catch up with her!
On Sunday, Sarah came home and Ben and his friend Heather drove up to Kingwood to have dinner with the family. We had a wondeful time meeting Heather and hanging out by the fire! One of my favorite things to do in the fall is to sit around a fire and share stories and memories!
Ben's awesome fire!
Complete with some yummy s'mores!
The Monday before Thanksgiving, I met up with all of my high school friends at Megan's house for a Mexican night! It was wonderful to see all of the girls and to catch up with them on what's going on in their lives! There are so many changes happening in our group of friends and I am so proud of every single one of them :)
Kathryn, Monica, Sarah, Megan, me and Sara

On Wednesday morning, I drove downtown to pick up Michael from the airport. I was beyond excited to see him! We had a great lunch with Sarah and Bryan before the left for Louisiana. Thursday morning and early afternoon was spent cooking and preparing for Thanksgiving dinner!
Pre-Thanksgiving dinner belly
Mom working on the potatoes.

We were so glad Nana and Papa were in town!
Papa cracking some pecans.
Faith was loving "this is the way the cowboy rides" song with Nana
Bananas in November?? Mom's banana tree was ready to be picked so Michael picked 31 Bananas!
After dinner, we had another fire in the fire pit and talked for hours!
Michael enjoying the fire
Mom decided to show up with her Turkey hat on!
Our bellies were full!
Friday, all the guys helped Keesey and Sandra move in to their new house. It is wonderful to have family that will do anything for you and Michael was such a great help to everyone. The little girls came over to help mom and I decorate the house for Christmas. Friday evening, Sarah and Bryan came back from Louisiana and it was great to see them one last time before they headed back to College Station. Saturday, mom, dad, Michael and I decided to make a trip to Galveston. We had an amazing lunch at Casey's and then we walked along the beach and took some pictures to use for our Christmas card. The pictures turned out great and I'm working on sending all of our cards out.
It was a gorgeous fall day!

Sunday we just hung out around the house and Monday we ran some errands and had some yummy Indian food in the Woodlands. Michael was such a great sport to go shopping with all the girls. It was the best Thanksgiving yet and we had such a great time with all of the family!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hotty Toddy!

A little late for this update but I still want to include these pictures for when I make my photo book from this blog at the end of the year.

I can not believe that is already time for Thanksgiving and before we know it Christmas will fly by and the baby's due date will be quickly approaching!

Michael and I celebrated our year anniversary on October 29th. We have been incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful first year of marriage full of trips, changes and memories. We decided a while back that our gift to one another would be plane tickets to fly back to MS to cheer on our Rebels with our friends and family. Despite the rainy, cold weather, we had an amazing time seeing everyone! Unfortunately, Texas A&M beat the Rebels but it was one heck of a game to watch. If you have never been to an Ole Miss tailgating party, it is hard to imagine the amount of work that the fans put in to make the tailgate what it is. Mom did an amazing job orchestrating, cooking and preparing for our tailgate even though everything had to be transferred, prepared and ready to go in TX before the game. Everyone raved about the food and decor at our tailgate and we were all so thankful that mom put in so much work to make it the best tailgate ever! I'll leave you with some great pictures from the weekend.

 Enjoying a beautiful night on the Boure' balcony

Night on the Square!
 It was so good to see Ashley and Olivia!
Just like old times!
 We miss the Bing's so much!

Some of our group that made it down for the game.
 It was freezing at the game!
Hotty Toddy! 

I really can't imagine my life without my best friend and sister :) 


Happy Anniversary to us!

After the game, Michael and I celebrated our almost anniversary with the top tier of our cake that mom was able to bring all the way from TX. It was as delicious as the night of the wedding. 

A year sure does go by fast.
Cheers to a year and cheers to many more!
Traditional Ole Miss picture. I took pictures in front of this sign the day my parents dropped me off for college and the day I graduated. Hopefully next year we will be able to take a picture like this with our little guy :)
Sunday morning after breakfast in the Presbyterian church pumpkin patch.
There is nothing prettier than Oxford during the fall!