Friday, March 2, 2012

7 moments: My week through pictures and some extra

I decided to take pictures throughout my week of things or moments that inspire me or that just make my day better! I think I will get better at taking pictures but this week it was hard to remember!

We went to Sams this past weekend and bought a flat of blueberries, which I ate almost half of them on Sunday and they were delicious! They were the biggest blueberries I've ever seen!

Sonic now has Sweet Potato Tater tots! Yumm

A few of my spring decorations

Yummy breakfast that my husband made for me on my birthday on Tuesday! Bocephus snuck a piece of my bacon while I wasn't looking. I probably didn't need it anyways

He looks pretty guilty to me.

Forget Me Nots I bought at Target for Spring in memory of our first dance at our wedding

"Forget Me Not" by the Civil Wars. They are amazing and will be playing at Memphis in May this year!!!

White Chocolate Raspberry Torte Cheesecake that my husband bought me for my birthday. When my mom asked me what kind of cake I wanted I told her cheesecake. She responded by saying that wasn't a birthday cake, but Michael surprised me with one even though I didn't tell him I wanted cheesecake! I guess great minds think alike ;)

Last but not least, the flowers and trees are blooming and spring is in the air! It is a warm 82 degrees here today and I think we will be getting a cool front but we are sure enjoying this beautiful warm weather. Michael and I have been going on walks/runs every evening and it is the highlight of my day :)

My dad may kill me for posting this picture, but I love it. I stumbled across it today and it just makes me smile! Typical Saturday morning breakfast in the Browning family. I miss my family so much and I can't wait to be with them in a week!!