Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Patience is a virtue

Lately, I have found it extremely hard to be patient. Michael and I are both beyond ready to meet our little boy. I am also ready to have my body back and ready to be able to do the things that I can't do anymore like go for a run, bend over easily to pick something up and put on my shoes without sitting down. The last couple of weeks, Michael and I have mentioned to one another quite often about how we are so ready for our little one to be here. We talk about how excited we are to meet him and to see what he looks like. The last couple of days, we have said prayers that our little guy would make his appearance soon! When I checked my email this morning and read the daily devotional that I receive, I found the following quotes within the devotional.

Tune your anxious heart to patience,
Walk by faith where sight is dim;
Loving God, be calm and trustful
And leave everything to Him. -Chambers

Patience means awaiting God's time and trusting God's love.

The Lord will provide His guiding presence as we wait patiently for Him to bring about His WILL.
-Marvin Williams

As we get closer and closer to adding our son to our family, the fears of giving birth and becoming a parent have occasionally taken hold of me. God wants Michael and I to trust in him and to be patient and have faith that the birth of our son will be perfect in every way and that the Lord has a plan for this little guy! It is so amazing to me that God already knows what will happen in our little boy's life and how beautiful his birthday will be :) This devotional was so reassuring and calming to me. I am so thankful that the Lord speaks to us in so many different ways and sometimes even shouts to us what he wants us to hear

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, February 15, 2013

37 Weeks

How far along: 37 weeks! I am officially full term, and our little guy can arrive any day! I am so ready to meet him :)

Baby's size: 19 inches or longer and 6 1/3 lbs.
Sleep: Sleep is getting more and more difficult 

Weight: 23 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: I'm getting tired of my maternity clothes.

Symptoms I have: Still pressure down low which is a good but also very uncomfortable.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is Wednesday. I'm going once a week now.

Movement: He is not moving quite as often but when he moves it is sometimes uncomfortable and very noticeable from the outside. He is still having hiccups all the time.

Best Moment: Making it to full term! Michael and some friends surprised me with a baby shower! Michael, his dad and his mom planned a "baby shower in a box" because we weren't able to have one before our little guy is born. They sent out invitations to family and friends in IL and everyone sent presents together. Michael told me we were meeting our friend Cory at a restaurant for lunch and I was surprised with our friends sitting at a table with diapers at each person's spot. The diapers were part of a game that my friend Tracy came up with. We all had to guess what type of chocolate was in our diaper. The shower was so wonderful and we received so many great gifts for the baby. We are so incredibly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that went to so much trouble to make our baby shower happen :) Thank you so much to those of you who were part of it all! 
Our friends from church, Dallas and Aurora and their two daughters came to our shower!
We received so many precious things for our little boy!
Michael's grandmother sent these adorable hangers.
Our friends Tracy and Jeff from church were so sweet to help with the shower!
One day while picking up something from Babies R Us, I was able to park in the "expectant mother" parking. This was the first time I've been able to snag one of these spots!
Michael, putting the stroller together.
His carseat is ready to go and looks so warm and comfy!