Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter was our first holiday as a family of three and it was absolutely perfect! The weather was gorgeous this weekend which was exactly what we needed, because we had spent the entire week in the house. Saturday we went on a walk and Michael wanted to try out the Kangaroo baby carrier. It was a little cool outside so we had to double layer William in outfits. He is quickly growing out of his newborn outfits so the top layer didn't exactly fit! William also went to his first church service which was also Easter Sunday. We hadn't been to church since before William was born and it was so wonderful to be back with our church family. We are very thankful for all of the relationships that we have with our friends at church. 
Michael and William ready to go on a walk!
William looking too cool in his shades. We were a little paranoid about him being too cold :)
William's Easter gifts from family and friends
Michael and William ready for church
William wore his smocked gown that his Sissy (my mom) made him. It has little ducks on it and he looked precious!
Relaxing after our long walk at the park.
My friend Lana gave him this precious Easter onesie, so of course we had to have a photo shoot!
Not too thrilled about the ears.
Michael spoiled us and let us relax while he made Easter dinner and a delicious ham!

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